Museo del Meteorito | Tourist Attraction



3 months ago
2484.7 masl


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Museum of meteorite, located in the center of San Pedro.
Scientific and technical explainations. Not suitable for young children but you can touch meteorites by yourselves.


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interesting little museum with self guided tour in different languages (you use headphones). A lot of meteorites, you can touch some and also buy one tiny piece for yourself. They also offer a star gazing tour with snacks, a few telescopes and a picture of you and the sky. We went on a tour while the moon was super bright so it was more astronomical observation and we loved the Nebula view. Tour in English and Spanish. We loved it but I think the group was too big (two vans) and the whole tour took us longer than expected.

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Meteorite Museum. Here you will learn a lot about meteorites, thanks to an audio guide offered in several languages including French, German, English and Spanish and others. There are several meteorites exposed. If you think you have found a meteorite you can ask them for their opinion they are very friendly. Price 5000 pesos per adult and 4000 pesos for children. Payment only in cash.

musée de la météorite. ici vous en apprendrez beaucoup sur les météorites, grâce à un audio guide proposé en plusieurs langues dont français, allemands, anglais et espagnol et autres. il y a plusieurs météorites exposées. si vous pensez avoir trouvé une météorite vous pouvez leur demander leur avis il sont très sympathique. prix 5000 pesos par adulte et 4000 pesos pour les enfants. paiement uniquement en espèces.

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I went there with my 7 year old son. He is a space nerd and loved it! We touched meteorites and bought a little one for $15.000 pesos!

The museum is very small, only 25 minutes needed. Open only in evening from 6pm to 9pm. Audio headsets in at least Spanish, English, and Portuguese, probably more languages.

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very nice museum! small but very interesting and technical.
audio guides in any languages and English/Spanish explanations at the end with a guide.
my kids loved it even if they couldn't understand everything.
our guide was very competent and made kids interested, but I think he was the best of the three guides.
highly recommend

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Museum of meteorite, located in the center of San Pedro.
Scientific and technical explainations. Not suitable for young children but you can touch meteorites by yourselves.

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