Musee du Vodoun de Porto-Novo | Tourist Attraction



about 1 month ago
18.6 masl


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Privately owned museum that displays a large range of artefacts related mostly to vodoun but also slavery and other historical aspects of Benin and neighbouring countries. Owner, Youssoufou is a passionate collector and gave a very detailed guide through the displays. Without any government support he relies on foot traffic to finance the museum.

Cost is 2000cfa for an adult.

He is looking to open a guest house in a very grand space upstairs but this is likely for mid 2020. Contact them first at [email protected] or 97134956.


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Still closed. I believe it is permanently.
Apparently they are building a nee huge voodoo museum on the corner. But it doesn’t seem like it is going to finish any time soon.

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Wanted to visit today but the place was closed down. Someone told me the owner died, another person that it’s closed for refurbishment 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Still open, no restorations for the moment. Same prices : 2000 CFA/ pers.
Actually there are 3 sites along the street :
-muséum of Vaudoun
-museum Da Silva (slavery)
-panthéon black and White men
You can choose one or do the three
For vaudoun it's 2000 CFA

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Privately owned museum that displays a large range of artefacts related mostly to vodoun but also slavery and other historical aspects of Benin and neighbouring countries. Owner, Youssoufou is a passionate collector and gave a very detailed guide through the displays. Without any government support he relies on foot traffic to finance the museum.

Cost is 2000cfa for an adult.

He is looking to open a guest house in a very grand space upstairs but this is likely for mid 2020. Contact them first at [email protected] or 97134956.

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