Silver Lake Parking Lot | Informal Campsite

United States


6 months ago
692.5 masl


Pit Toilets
Big Rig Friendly:
Tent Friendly:
Pet Friendly:

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For $15/night, you can park/camp in their large main lot. There are signs all over the lot saying where they prefer campersto park, and that you need to pay. You must go to the self-service kiosk (dropbox) to place your cash in an envelope with your dates, license plate number, and vehicle description. You will also put a slip of paper with your dates on your dash. (Paper comes from within the envelope from the kiosk you then put your money in and drop in the slot.)
There were several other campers, vans, buses, and cars that stayed overnight—mostly groups and families there to bike. Very respectful patrons, quiet at night. No litter around.
There are two very clean portapotties in the parking lot for campers to use, but we were told that if we needed to, we could also use the one inside in the lobby. Trash cans next to the potties as well, but no recycling.
You may also take the gondola up the mountain without booking in at their lodging, but I’m not sure the exact price. Can be found on their website I’m sure.
Would stay here again in the future!


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$30/night to park here, you pay at the self-serve machines located throughout the lot. No amenities of any kind once the ski area gondola closes for the night. Handy if you're aiming to get first chair.

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Ski area parking lot. Costs $30 and had to check in at resort. No ports potties but there are bathrooms at the gondola and resort.

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Silver Mountain makes it’s parking lot available to guest skiers and mountain bikers. No amenities or hookups, two porta potties. Nothing special and a slight hum from I-90, but you can get first lift chair up. We stayed overnighted to mountain bike the next day. Lots of fun. And there is a pump track and a few jumps to train on next to lot. $15 per night.

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For $15/night, you can park/camp in their large main lot. There are signs all over the lot saying where they prefer campers park, and that you need to pay. You must go to the self-service kiosk (dropbox) to place your cash in an envelope with your dates, license plate number, and vehicle description. You will also put a slip of paper with your dates on your dash. (Paper comes from within the envelope from the kiosk you then put your money in and drop in the slot.)
There were several other campers, vans, buses, and cars that stayed overnight—mostly groups and families there to bike. Very respectful patrons, quiet at night. No litter around.
There are two very clean portapotties in the parking lot for campers to use, but we were told that if we needed to, we could also use the one inside in the lobby. Trash cans next to the potties as well, but no recycling.
You may also take the gondola up the mountain without booking in at their lodging, but I’m not sure the exact price. Can be found on their website I’m sure.
Would stay here again in the future!

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