Visa Extension - Direccion General de Migracion y Extrangeria | Consulate / Embassy

El Salvador


6 months ago
754.4 masl


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Place to renew visa. You only have three months to visit Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador and Guatemala. Then you have to apply for an extension here. With a photo ID and a photocopy of the passport and all the pages with C4 stamps - a bank proof -25 $ per person - same for the children. This can take 48 hours open from Monday to Friday from 8am to 4pm

Lieu pour renouveler son visa. Vous n avez que trois mois pour visiter le Nicaragua le Honduras el Salvador et le Guatemala. Ensuite il faut faire une demande d extention ici. avec une photo d'identité et la photocopie du passeport et de toutes les pages ou il y a des tampons- un justificatif banquaire -25$ par personne - meme chose pour les enfants. Cela peut prendre 48h ouverture du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 16h


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To confirm what the previous commenter wrote, as parts of it I wasn't quite clear about: El Salvador no longer issue extensions to the CA-4 entry. If your CA-4 expires while here, even though you'll still be fine in El Salvador for the 180 days they give you, you'll likely find yourself stuck in the country and having to leave your vehicle and fly to outside the region to get a new CA-4 in order to rescue it. Try and plan accordingly! I added more details in the pin for the immigration office in Santa Ana, where I visited.

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tried to extend my CA 4 visa .
El salvador gives you 180 days to visit, but so Honduras, nicaragua and guatemala just gives you 90 day's.
so you can't extend your visa in San salvador befor it is almost extended.
and you can't cross the border to honduras if you are longer than 120 day's in the CA 4 countries.

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Location was still wrong. Hopefully updated now. Should be 13.703027, -89.249167.

We did not need to provide passport photos, they now take a digital photo of you on the spot.
Also they were not interested in the bank statement.

Otherwise everything as described.
We were told to pick up our passports in 3 days.

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They moved the office, updating location, it's by a burger king. Process same with some exceptions:
No witness needed if you don't know anyone Salvadoran.
Didn't even care to see bank statement.
For reason can put "Surfear"
Cannot extend until you have 10 days left on your visa.
if you have less than 5 days left, there is a fine.
The form has moved on their page but it's F44 Prórroga residente

Very quick office, we didn't have to wait at all. He said when we can do it in a few days, he will process same day.

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Very professional, organised, helpful and friendly.

Prerequesiets stated by Jnomade are correct.
Apply for extension at least 5 days before your visa expires, otherwise you will have to pay 45usd fine pp.

Extension can alao be applied for in Santa Ana and San Miguel. We did it in Santa Ana and could pick our passports up 3 days later.

Official is that they can take up to 5 days to return the passport with CA4 extension.

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As stated in previous comment, place to renew visa. It was easy, great service, very fast both time I needed to go. Delay is 48 hrs... Got 90 days starting after the current visa expire. They told me this process can be done in Santa Ana as well... a nicer city if you don't want to be in San Salvador.

I filled the form found at this link:

I filled the only the first three pages.

I didn't have a sponser/repondant - The lady asked how I will pay for my travel... I showed bank statement and told her I have credit cards.

I didn't have a flight ticket... Temporary Import Permit is used instead to show that you'll be moving on.

In front of the lady, I wrote a small letter saying that I didn't have a flight ticket because I travelled by motorbike and I was travelling from Canada thorugh Central America and on south up to South America. 5-6 lines on a piece of paper she provided and signed it.

That's it, after this 10 minutes interview, she kept the original passport and give me a substitute. 48 laters, I came back collected the passport with the new stamp. Took about 10 minutes the second time. Getting there by bus is the real challenge.

What is needed:
Copy of main passport page and all pages with stamps: enlarged 150%
Color passport photo: 3 cm x 4 cm
Bank statement: I showed $CAD 3000 - $1000 per month (asked for 90 days)
Copy of Temporary Import Vehicle paper
I used the address of the hotel I was currently staying in in San Salvador.
Person that is providing me with money: I wrote my own name as suggested by the lady.
$USD 25
Dress for success (don't know how important it is, but I wore all my best clothes, including long pants).

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Lieu pour renouveler son visa. Vous n avez que trois mois pour visiter le Nicaragua le Honduras el Salvador et le Guatemala. Ensuite il faut faire une demande d extention ici. avec une photo d'identité et la photocopie du passeport et de toutes les pages ou il y a des tampons- un justificatif banquaire -25$ par personne - meme chose pour les enfants. Cela peut prendre 48h ouverture du lundi au vendredi de 8h à 16h

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