Parque Pumalín – Sendero El Mirador | Tourist Attraction



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Smart as a Goose


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From the parking area, this trail leads northward to El Mirador, which offers a good view of the valley and Volcán Michinmahuida. From there, you can return the same way or continue further north, towards the campsite Ventisquero. Other than the view at the miradors, the trail is entirely in a thick beautiful forest protected by Doug and Kris Thompkins.

Duration: approx. 1 hour to El Mirador
Distance: approx. 2.2 kilometres to El Mirador and approx. 3 kilometres to the campsite Ventisquero.
Difficulty: moderate-easy

The parking area(location of this pin) is on a 4x4 only road, which is not always open. If you don't have 4x4, or the 4x4 road is closed, the hike can be done as a loop from Camping Grande. It is 7km with 400m of elevation gain/loss, takes 3-5 hrs depending on fitness.


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We were able to get to the start of the trail with our 4x4. It is not a long hike but almost continuosly uphill. No issues for our 5-year old. There are two miradores at the top, one of them overlooking the glacier. Very pleasent walk.

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Beautiful walk in the woods. 4x4 only portion of the road was closed, so we walked the loop from Camping Grande. 7km and 400m of elevation gain.

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We parked our 2wd van in camping Grande and then you need to walk back along the road to start the hike to the mirador. There is a sign. Its a round trip and you arrive back at Grande.
The hike itself is okay. The view from the mirador is nice.

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Enjoyable hike for a nice view of the glacier.

We were a bit unsure about taking our car up, so we parked a bit further down, by the start of the Darwin Trail (Ranita de Darwin) which added on an extra 15 minutes to the turn off where we would have had to stop as only 4x4s are allowed. But it would have been no problem to get a car to this spot.

From there, it was about an hour of gentle gradient to the actual start. The trail itself was a mixture of steps, uphill and flats. Going down the the other side, it was a lot steeper, followed by 2km walk on an very steep road (4x4 only) back to the car.

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took us 40 minutes to get up. nice views on a clear day. make sure you go to both of the lookouts (right next to each other pretty much).

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Since the steepest parts are after, you can theoretically easily drive up to here without 4WD. However you will need to go back through the same way, which is officially not allowed, and the road is narrow... you still have a few place to park if you face other vehicles.

Very beautiful walk indexed!

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Drove to the camping ventisquero and walked up from there. Lovely short walk with an epic view from the top. The start of the trail is really hard to find from that end. But if you’re in the parking lot right beside the toilet block then turn around and it should be directly behind you. Probably took us 30 minutes of wondering around the campground to figure that one out.

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From the parking area, this trail leads northward to El Mirador, which offers a good view on the valley and Volcán Michinmahuida. From there, you can return the same way or continue further north, towards the campsite Ventisquero.

Duration: approx. 1 hour to El Mirador
Distance: approx. 2.2 kilometres to El Mirador and approx. 3 kilometres to the campsite Ventisquero
Difficulty: moderate-easy

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took us 1 hour to get to the mirador from parking lot. great view

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Hiked in from the entry road side. About a 250m climb over a km. room for 4-5 cars at the parking.

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Good view of the Rio Michinmahuide valley, peak and glacier. One hour hike from the campground.

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