Ministry of Finance, Directorate Customs &Exise | Customs and Immigration



about 2 months ago
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Windhoek Regional Office to extend TIP or Carnet

close between 13:00-14:00
This is the one and only Place to renew your Carnet de Passage!


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We went here to get our TIP extended. We don’t have a CDP.

They told us that it isn‘t possible anymore and now we have to get the IM5. That’s a document where you have to leave a 16% deposit of the value of the car which you can claim back later. It’s a warranty that you take the car out of the country again.

We got the car valued at a Jeep dealer ship in town. Don’t be afraid of it. Our car was only valued at 6500 USD. It’s worth way more 😉

The agent to get you the IM5 is next door on the right in the yellow building. He charged us 1500 N. His name is Deon.

To get to these buildings first of all you have to enter from the North of this road (it’s a one way). There is a gate which will be opened. Then you cross the old train station. Don’t hesitate to pull up at the gate! It’s the right way.

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Stamped old and new carnets here. A bit of discussion, but easy and for free.

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Be aware! They asked me for NAD 9‘000 to pay to extend the expired CDP. I refused to pay and then they did it for free.

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Beware - if you are trying to swap onto a new carnet (substitution) and you are beyond the expiration date of the first carnet, the customs person here has been known to threaten fines. Other customs offices (ie at borders and in other countries of SACU) don't do this......

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You can still extended here carnet and TIP.

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This ist now the place to geht the new Carné stamped!! Difficult to find!

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Ministry of home affairs & immigration
Extension of your visas is possible here for 580NAD/ pers for 3 months. It’s open from 8h to 13h and from 14h to 17h Monday to Friday .

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Easy stamping of the old and new Carnet.

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this is the good place to extend your CPD
But be carefull, the woman don't know well the carnet .
Have a look where she put the stamp.

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This is the only place of custom in Windhoek to get the stamp in your carnet. The place in the south of Windhoek (in the ioverlander map can't do it anymore). They close at 16:00.

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Windhoek Regional Office to extend TIP or Carnet

close between 13:00-14:00

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