Rough Road south of Caiundo | Warning



25 days ago
1130.0 masl
Clancy Abroad


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The road deteriorates badly south of Caiundo. There was an attempt to rebuild the road in 2013, but the road works have been abandoned for many years. It took us one and a half days to cover 225km south of Caiundo to the border crossing at Katwitwi. No fuel south of Menongue. We did the road in the wet season and it was passable, however there are some sections of the road are so eroded that a bad flood could close the road. There are very few vehicles on the road. There are villages, but almost no shops or services. Some bread is available


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on a bicycle this road took me three rough days. the first 80km are sandy and then it gets a little bit less difficult. it was physically very very hard, but what an amazing landscape. Ive invited myself twice to sleep in a village and washed in the river. the people are so incredibly friendly here. It was an amazing experience.

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It took us 8 hours of driving, to get from Katwitwi to Caiundo. Don't consider it to be a road, but rather a track... The first 50 km was ok, but after that it gets crazy...

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Road in the beginning going south did not seem to bad. Did get worse the more south we went. Luckily not to many sharp stones, just gravel and patches of sand and large dips. Average speed was 30km ph. We did tow a Off road caravan.

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set off from menogue at 6am arrived border post 1345. Angolan border took 90 minutes to get out so would recommend leaving early. road not too bad just slow going. heard its going to be tarred but no date.

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I can confirm the other posts. From Caiundo going south the road is incredibly bad for about 100 km. I did it on a motorcycle and was struggling a lot in the sand. Took me 10 hours from Menongue to Katwitwi. No petrol available after Menongue. Small villages. Some sell sweet potatoes and oranges, but otherwise not really anything. People are incredibly kind and friendly and I wouldn't think twice about staying overnight on the road or asking in a village.
The last 50 kms before Katwitwi the road improves but gets bumpy. I did it in July during dry season. Respect for those who did it in the wet season!!! Would be impossible for me!

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Drove this road from Caiundo to the border. It is still wet season and the road is really really bad at parts, but especially the first 60km coming from the north. It is still doable though. First half took us 4,5 hours and then we took the second half the next morning. That took us just over 3 hours.

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The road deteriorates badly south of Caiundo. There was an attempt to rebuild the road in 2013, but the road works have been abandoned for many years. It took us one and a half days to cover 225km south of Caiundo to the border crossing at Katwitwi. No fuel south of Menongue. We did the road in the wet season and it was passable, however there are some sections of the road are so eroded that a bad flood could close the road. There are very few vehicles on the road. There are villages, but almost no shops or services.

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