Humberstone | Tourist Attraction



4 months ago
1021.0 masl


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Remains of an industrial city (Saltpeter) of the 19th century, not to be missed. Camping possible at parking lot, site guarded. 6000 pesos per person, children under 7 are free. Count on spending 2-3 hours. Well preserved.


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6000pp to visit. Definitely can wander around for 2-3 hours. Can go into lots of buildings. Dog friendly too.

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As written before, a fantastic place! Beautiful open-air museum. You can easily spend 3-4h there and discover the former saltpetre works / towns of Humberstone and Santa Laura. The light and the colours at sunset are amazing. Both are now UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Entrance fee 6.000 pp. Well worth a visit!

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Cool place! Took us 2h as we didn’t read all the signs but they’ve written and filled many of the buildings up with info about the town and it’s history (in Spanish only). Going to see the factory that’s a bit of a walk away is worth it too

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Really a very interesting place. This town was not built for making movies, it was a real town where miners lived, some with her families. Very impressive.

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Really nice place, good mixture of a museum and an abandoned oficina, we were strolling around for three hours. Entrance is now 6000, but worth the price. Wifi and toilets.

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Amazing town, really enjoyed our time here! Entrance now $4000 with last entrance at 6.15pm for closure at 7pm.

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This place is incredible and so well preserved. We arrived late and so could only spend an hour looking around before it closed at 6:30pm (this meant we were pretty much the only people there)- but could have spent far longer. The old factory and theatre are particularly amazing. This is definitely worth a detour- we’re students so only paid 2000pp for entry (didn’t need a card- just showed date of birth on passport).

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Really nice abandonned city ! Legal Urbex, we spend more than 3h here

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Very good experience here.
Lots to see and explore.
Most of the descriptions are in English and Spanish.

Wear study shoes because there is a lot of walking and rough ground including debris from life of a mine.

We took 3 hours to explore and could have easily spent more time.

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awesome experience... it's like time traveling! 4000 chilenos the ticket and there is turístico guidance during some hours.

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Probably the best kept and therefore most interesting of the salpeter oficinas. You must see one of these ghost towns if you are traveling in the region :) I spent around 5 hours in there. A dream for photography. The longer you stay, the more you connect with the place!

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This place is incredible!!! A MUST see if your passing by on ruta 5!

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Dogs allowed on-leash. We entered all buildings with our pup.

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Really amazing to see. we needed 2 hours to stroll through. An really interesting place. A "must" see ;-) We felt like in Wild West :)

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Photographers paradise, bring your tripod! We thought we'd only be here for 20 minutes but ended up staying for 2 hours. Fantastic remains of a once thriving city. Well worth the stop!

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we visited humberstone and after we stayed over night on the parking area, opposite the gate. The next morning we visited also santa laura. Very interessting ! One ticket is good for both area.

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previously well described. entrance fee is 4000 chil pesos/ adult. 3000 chil pesos/over 60 years old. it took us more than 3 hours to ecplore.

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interesting place worth à stop

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Still 3000 pp. Well worth it. Needs more than an hour, min 1.5 hrs. Take sunscreen & hat! Fascinating. Much of the salt peter/nitrate works still have the equipment/machinery in situ & the buildings show what everyday life was like. Some are furnished. There's a theatre, school, hotel, swimming pool, church, drs house & hospital.Yellow signs give info with English translations & you can dress up in old fashioned clothes & have your photo taken! Some refreshments available.

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quiet at night, Salitrera Humberstone has many old houses in good condition; open in summer Dec until Mar 9-19, other months 9-18; entry 3000 CLpP, for retired people only 2000
Salitrera Santa Laura with more production buildings has no entry fee, only 1.6km after the Humberstone entry

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Amazing abandoned town! Still 3000pp entrance free, really worth visiting.

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3000 pp very nice site to visit, children will like it as well. Foresee at least one hour because of te size. Toilets available.

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Vestiges d'une ville industrielle du 19ème siècle,à ne pas manquer. Bivouac possible sur parking, site gardé.

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