Chilean Immigration and Customs – Paso Río Jeinemeni | Customs and Immigration



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Not the most friendly or effective immigration and customs office. The check of our Chilean motorhome was very quick and not very thoroughly. Open from 8:00 to 21.00 if you exit Chile and from 8.00 to 21.30 if you enter Chile.

Update 3/21/2023: They had us bring some of our bags in for x-ray and thoroughly handchecked everything else .


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Fast and easy boarder crossing from Argentina to Chile, the process take us 30-45 min, totally completely at both boarders.

Processing as usual, but very deep control (but very friendly) customer control in Chile, they like to look in every Storage room , but you can guide them very well. At all, very friendly, very careful.

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Migration to Chile needed a lot of time. We have a campervan and they are absolutely exact in controlling every place inside the camper. Friendly stuff but be prepared, no meat, no vegetables, no honey,…

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Entering Chile from Argentina. No issues, fast process, maybe 15 minutes in total. Moved the marker to the new location.
They inspected the vehicle just about the same as other border crossings into Chile. If you have any luggage or bags they ask you to put them through the scanner. They have WiFi so that you can fill the customs declaration.

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As a Canadian exiting Chile with a Canadian registered motorcycle,
It took less than 10 min. Friendly and efficient staff.

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Friendly people at the border crossing, but they went thorougly through our entire campercan, had to open each compartment.

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Very friendly agents. Several spoke English. One gave my son some candy. Quick and efficient border to exit Chile and enter Argentina.

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Crossed around 5pm. Very quick process, no vehicle checks of our van either side of the border. It was so quick and easy that we were a bit perplexed and thought we must be doing something wrong!

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Easiest border crossing on the whole continent so far. Nobody checked the vehicles on either side. (Crossing from Chile to Argentina).

30mins max total (for both sides together)

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Frontera de chile donde los papeles se hacen rápido. por otro lado, son bastante estrictos con el control del vehículo. me llevaron ajo, mi planta verde y hasta un ramo de flores secas. nos dijeron que los productos empaquetados pasaron el control. y, de hecho, las botellas de leche, nata fresca, mantequilla, carne congelada y pescado congelado pasaron la prueba. en cambio, no se prohíben las frutas ni la carne fresca, ni la miel y las lentejas, excepto en latas.

Frontiere du chili où les papiers se font rapidement. en revanche ils sont assez stricte sur le contrôle du véhicule. il m’ont pris de l’ail, ma plante verte et même un bouquet de fleurs séchées. on nous a dit que les produits emballés passaient le contrôle. et en effet les bouteilles de lait, crème fraîche, beurre, steak congelé et poisson congelé ont passé le contrôle. en revanche pas de fruit ou viande fraîche, ni de miel et les lentilles sont interdites sauf en boîte de conserve.

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Enter Chile from Argentina with dog and SUV. Wow, this is the most thorough check we have ever had!! We did the standard immigration check and aduana. Then used the free wifi to fill out the declaration forms. We had noticed that everyone in private vehicles was requested to bring their suitcases in to put through the x-ray machine!!! We hoped we wouldn't have to take everything out of the vehicle! The lady running the checks was SOOO friendly and helpful. We had left the dog in the vehicle again so no problem there. While we were filling out our online forms she took the dog papers and had them stamped. On the online forms I did the declaration that we had something to declare (i.e. the dog, and some hard boiled eggs(which we could keep)). She also took a photocopy of the dog papers so that we had an original left. While I finished with the online forms for my husband and I, she asked us to bring the car up for inspection. They had us take our 2 rolling duffles and 2 backpacks and put them through the x-ray. Everything else in the car was handchecked...very thoroughly. The guy doing it was super nice though. He looked through all of our food bags, our fridge, our drawers in the back. He didn't make us take our boxes off the roof (thankfully), but did get up there to look. We were surprised by having such a thorough check, but it seemed like they were doing that to everyone. It was a very quiet day there.

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Enter Chile from Argentina with camper and dogs.
Park to the side. Go in building with papers. Show passport and vehicle ownership and slip of paper from
Other office. Get checked out and receive a new slip of paper (keep that slip of paper) Go to aduana (next window) Show passport, ownership and slip of paper. They will hand write a TIP and stamp the slip (don’t lose it). Then fill out the SAG (anything to declare) form. Can do online with free wifi or on paper. Give to
SAG agents waiting outside. Return to vehicle and drive through. They will want to check the inside. Taking fruits and veg, garlic, honey, eggs. They did not take spices or dog food. They did want to see dog papers that we had done in SENASA. We made a copy to leave with them and they appreciated that. They stamped the originals and gave them back.

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Don’t forget your PDI slip that you receive on entry (the one that looks like a receipt). What should’ve been a ten minute experience ended up thankfully only being half an hour after my husband was berated for losing his and got a specially filled out form so he could leave. Other than that it’s a smooth crossing and not too crowded.

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Chile to Argentina. 10 min. Counter #1. Passport control. Counter #2. Hand in your vehicle TIP. No inspection of vehicle.

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As a foreigner who bought chilean car, they went through our documents from the notarío throughly as we still not have our padrón yet. After checking the documents are right, they let us pass. It took some time for us but possible. Not a bad experience.

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Easy experience exiting Chile. Our vehicle import permit was expired by a week or so, but we had completed the online application for a renewal 7 days before the date of expiration. We provided the aduana with the email confirmation of this, and after about 5 minutes of discussion with the supervisor, we were handed back our documents with a smile.

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Literally took us 10 minutes to check out of immigration and customs (with foreign car). Efficient & very friendly officials

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Border is now open 8h to 22h everyday, both sides. Off course no fruits and vegetables allowed .. but as stupidity has no limit they also took our dried and cotton flowers from our wedding.

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We seem to be the unlucky ones here! We came from Argentina into Chile, and it was a very thorough check. It took us over an hour to get through, and they checked EVERYWHERE in our vehicle, including under the hood. Maybe we look dodgy ;) we had used or handed out our fresh stuff to other travellers prior to crossing, so we didn’t even have anything for them to find! All very friendly and helpful though

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Very nice people at the Chilean site, proces very straightforward. We were out again in ten minutes with two motorcycles. No vehicle checks (for us) only paper and then on to the Argentinian border.

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Right now open 8am to 4pm. Better arrive 3pm latest, last time point to enter Argentina is 3.30pm. Limitation of 100 persons a day. We crossed from Chile to Argentina without any problems, no check of the car for food. Control points were nearly deserted on each side.

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Argentina into Chile: I can not confirm the previous entries. The border crossing went smoothly. We were the only travelers and still took 1 hour for all steps. The TIP is filled out by hand. Pulses we had to hand over. Milk and cream cheese (both still sealed) we could keep. What was really uncomfortable was the PCR test. Very deep into the nose, painful. Had already 5x this procedure in different countries but it was never so unpleasant. Still have irritation in my nose today - 36 hours later. One can only hope that these people know what they are doing. You have to wait 15 Minutes for the result (but also need another PCR in advance, which we did in Las Heras on our way).

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Very thorough check of our car when entering Chile. They took: unopened bag of lentils, unopened bag of corn for popcorn, opened bag of toasted sunflower seeds. Also opened boxes of raisins and variety of nuts and seeds that were all previously purchased in Chile. They said we if all this was sealed or inside a yoghurt for example, there would be no problem but they wouldn't let us prepare it on the spot 'because we already approached them'. They were nice though and willing to explain things.

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Exited Chile here to enter Argentina. Go the window to get exit stamp. The window right next to it is aduana, hand over vehicle docs. Very easy exit. Continue to Argentina customs about 2 km down the road.

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Standard border control with stamping paper for all necessary instances (seperate buildings about 5km apart). Exit Chile was quick and easy, we took a picture of the cancelled TIP just to be sure but not needed. Took 5 minutes.

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Very friendly staff and very picky. They (for the first time after several boarder crossings to Chile) searched the whole car, let us even pop the hood and took a piece of drift wood away (with which we passed several other boarders. Oh well...

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When crossing from Chile into Argentina, you must stop here first, go inside and get an exit stamp on your passport ( immigration line ) and then cancel your TVIP ( aduana line ). Both of these are done in the same small building. Very simple process. They will give you a small slip of paper with your license plate # on it and their stamp and this you will take to the office on the Argentinian side, further down the road.

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We crossed both ways multiple times here, including after closing when we were turned away from the argentine border. We found everyone here to be super kind and nice. It was shoulder season, so maybe they weren’t as overworked (and therefore cold) as they would be later in the season - otherwise I’m not sure where all the negative reviews are coming from.

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I had the same girl with the unfriendly face on her. The guy came by saying I was ok then she would come after and make me take out what I already had approved so she could see it. They took some drift wood I was carving. A open bag of peanuts/ trail mix and took us to the back office to have some gas pills we had tested for drugs and to take some small shells a lady gave me that I met on the beach.

Second time passing to Chile I have been stopped and treated like a criminal. It puts a bad taste in my mouth to even be in Chile with this welcoming. It a good thing the nature is wonderful.

A argentino guy said to me. Chile is great. The only thing bad is there are too many chileno people. I know they have a grudge between the two countries but a smile could help Chile’s rep

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At immigration we were asked to fill in immigration cards and que again (at all other Chilean borders they give you a printed PDI ticket instead), this was a bit confusing but OK.

At Aduana, the guy asked me to fill out the TIP by myself (nobody queing). First time in our Chilean border crossings, and the only custom officer who didnt want to do his own job.

Finally the SAG. The first guy asked me to open the boot and take one of the bags to the scanner. After I returned to the car, a woman with cold face commanded me to take ALL my bags from every corner of the car, big or small, to the scanner. That was ok, they have the authority. However, After all my bags had passed the scan and hand check, and returned to the car, the same woman came again and started to search the already approved bags! I pointed out these had been checked by her colleague at scanner but she ignored me. Of course they found nothing - we had eaten all fresh stuff before crossing. When everything was done, I made a formal complaint (filling form with signature) but havent heard back yet. The lady who guided me through the complaining process was very nice though, she apologised to me but I thanked her and made it clear its not her fault and I didnt need her apology. I am not expecting any result to be honest.

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Slight update, during summer time the schedule is 8am - 10pm.
Also, if you're on a bike you have to cross until 30m before the closing time and if you're walking you have to cross 1h before closing time.

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We had issues with our hired van paperwork and they were really helpful to help us sort it out! All the staff were really pleasant and friendly.

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Not the most friendly or effective immigration and customs office. The check of our Chilean motorhome was very quick and not very thoroughly. Open from 8:00 to 20:00.

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most detailed check we ever went through. they even checked our medicine bag and put our bags through a scanner. we had to fill our gas which os in our spare container on the roof inside the car (apperently the containers are not safe). they even took our wooden trekking sticks that we collected. and they were not very carefull while searching everything. they touched our WD40 Bottle and somehow it began to spray for about a minute on some of our jackets :-( horrible smell now everywhere. they didnt even apologize :-( we were kind of angry when we crossed into chile chico that day.

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Crossing Arg-Chile, really easy, declare everything and should be smooth. We had veges and eggs taken but no dairy.

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well... we thought we knew everything about crossing Chilean borders at it's like the 4th time we enter the country in less than 45 days. we didn't.
first, the guy at the first step told us we didn't need the Declaracion Jurada and threw it away, giving us another paper. We had to fill it and do the line again. Of course, when we went to the car check, they asked for the Declaracion Jurada and we had to do the line a third time.
then they checked every tiny space of our kombi, it took like 45 minutes. As we had a few prohibited things, they said we could eat them, but then threw everything away eventhough we said we wanted to eat some and keep the boxes, while we were opening the top box as they asked us to.
The weirdest is they threw away our almonds and dry grapes, BUT let us keep a mix containing almonds and dry grapes (and yes, they checked the mix's composition)...
kind of angry...
and they kept our piece of cheese "tipo parmigiano", but left our bag of cheese "tipo parmigiano ralado". don't even try to understand...

anyway, we saved my cactus traveling with us since Brazil ! 😂😂😂

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Tried to exit with pardon, declaration and RUT. No chilian ID card-no exit. The weird thing is-they stamped us out at one guy, then said no at the other!

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We've rent a campervan of Soul Vans in Santiago and we're bringing it to Punta Arenas, Chili again. No troubles passing this border. They were really polite. We're from Holland.

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We just tried to pass Chile Chico for two days in a row. We had a copy of 17.2.3, our padrón (which is in our name), and a declaration jurada saying we would leave but return after 180 days. The person working spoke to her boss, and said a resolution (number 4501) was released affecting 17.1.1. When we brought up it was a different number and didn't affect 17.2.3, she said because there wasn't instructions for the new resolution she couldn't let us pass. Seemed like they weren't familiar with the law, so they just said no even though we provided everything they asked for. Went to Puerto Ibáñez instead and it was much simpler to cross.

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04/06/2017 at 14:30. We just passed the border at Chile Chico with our Chilean car (and we are not Chilean resident) and the PDI just asked us for the "documento chileno" and we only gave him our temporary RUT.

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We tried to cross unsuccessfully. Extranjero with a Chilean vehicle in his name. We had a notarized 'declaracion jurada' that stated we would return to Chilé to sell the vehicle, and a screenshot of the law stating we would be allowed to cross so long as we had this notarized declaracion. If they won't let you cross even with this, I would say don't waste your time with this PDI ran border.

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If you still want to cross here with your car, your best bet is to find a hitchhiker with Chilean ID, go to the Notary which only works Monday to Friday and sign an authorisation for them to drive your car to Argentina. They will exit Chile with it and you will enter Argentina with it.

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If you own your Chilean vehicle and do not have a residence permit you will not be permitted to exit here. Even if your cédula is expired and your definitiva is in process. Head to Paso Roballos, it's run by the carabineros instead of PDI + Aduana, they will let you out.

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Lines were shorter than Argentinian side. Three (3) stations to stop at - PDI (policía), Aduana, and Agricultural control.

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Had to stop in upon exiting Chile to cancel vehicle permit. Not even one other person in line at 2:20pm. Took under 10 mins.

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very bussy border. The check the luggage and the RV but friendly and correct. I heard that they use dogs as well. So don't hide anything. We had a very good vegetable soup the day before. yummy !

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Much larger border crossing than those further south in Patagonia. Lines on both sides, and be prepared to take all your luggage inside to put through an x-ray machine and have a customs agent dig through any obvious coolers or kitchen boxes. We had popcorn kernels confiscated, but hard boiled eggs are fine.

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