Immigration - Bolivia | Customs and Immigration



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First stop to exit Bolivia. Can park at back. Hand in exit cards, they take a photo and then you can head to Aduana over the road. Open 8-6pm.


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Brazil to Bolivia:
Standard procedure on both sides, friendly officers, no circulation permit required (German passport, Peruvian motorcycle)

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Brazil --> Bolivia in Chile plated car

- Migration very easy, left hand side immediately driving through boarder
- Aduana slow but very friendly and professinal. Checked cars in the car park, VIN etc, but straightforward. NOTE: They made a comment that travelling with a Poder (not Padron) for a Chile plate is significantly more complicated for Aduana (possibly not even able to cross); so be aware of that
- Circulation paper: No one mentioned this until we went to drive out the Aduana, when a man in the car park told us to go and get one. We then groaned (having read the messages below), but went to the Police office to get one. The friendly police officer created the circulation document... and then didn't ask for money! Bizarre based on previous comments! UPDATE: We have been asked to show the Circulation document

All very odd, but definitely try to not pay...

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Brazil > Bolivia: Remarks on Circulation Permit from the Police:

On the Bolivian side we were informed both by Migracion and by Aduana that we will need to get the Circulation permit from the Nacional Police after we get the TIP.

-How to get it:
At the police post, we needed to provide copies of driving license, vehicle papers and the TIP form for the police. You can get these copies done in one of the copy shops. With that the police will set up a document explaining that you are allowed to drive your vehicle in Bolivia. He then asked me to pay 100 Bolivianos for the document. I insisted, that I will not pay him and after playing a 5 minute waiting game, he gave the document to me without a fee and we could leave.

-Do you need it?
Depends. We crossed on a Monday and needed to present it at a Police checkpoint a little after the border. Not to be confused with the Aduana checkpoint a few kilometers after the police checkpoint. I tried to only give them the TIP to see if it sufficient, but they insisted on the Circulation Permit.

Other travelers who crossed one day earlier, on a Sunday, did not need to obtain the permit and there was no police checkpoint, apparently the police does not work on Sundays.

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Sorry need a small correction on my own comment. I was talking about BTL their description is really helpful and good! Good luck all

Report Check-In has a really good description of how it works. if only a few comments. At the brasil side the immigration for your exit stamp is now like their description on the right side but inside the federal police office. For the cancelation of your TIP is at the aduana. that's the office in the middle of the gate.

At Bolivian side everything went really smooth. Just took us half an hour to arrange the entry stamp and to get the TIP and the document at the police station. They didn't even check inside our van. The policeman wanted 5p reais, because we didn't had any Bolivian yet for the document. First he made only one for Santa Cruz, but after he made one for the whole of Bolivia because we explained wrong and he didn't charge us more then the 50 reais. Everybody was really friendly (immigration, aduana, police) no problems.

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Exiting bolivia, they just stamped the passports and that’s all. Very quick

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Exit Brazil - Entry Bolivia (we’re 2 people from Belgium with Belgian car)

We had a very easy border crossing (the whole process took 1h on a Saturday).
1) underneath the blue gate (Brazilian border), go to the Brazilian migration on the right to get your exit stamps (park your car somewhere on the side).
2) underneath the same blue gate, go to the federal police on the left to cancel your TIP.
3) drive over the little bridge to the Bolivian border and park your car somewhere on the side.
4) under the grey gate (the Bolivian border), go to the Bolivian migration on the left to get your entry stamps.
5) pass underneath the gate with your car, and go to the aduana building on the right (orangey building currently under construction) to get your TIP. You can park on the left side of the building. They ask for your car registration and passport (with exit and entry stamps). They check your VIN and take a quick look inside the car. No copies required whatsoever.
6) Drive away and don’t forget to go to an ATM because there is a toll booth after a couple of km’s (we didn’t - they let us through but we may have gotten lucky).

The aduana lady confirmed that the TIP is the only document you need when the police asks. So we didn’t get the ‘circulation permit’.

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It's a bit complicated, but we managed in 1.5h without mayor problems. My advice for everyone is: consider that you have to do everything yourself. No one asks you to get out to get a stamp on your passport. You can easily enter b Bolivia and drive half way to Santa Cruz before you notice you have no entry stamp.
We are two German and van with Paraguay plates.
What you have to do:
1) when you arrive at the gate of Brazilian border exit park the car and go to the office to the right. Get the stamp, easy
2) you drive just a few meters to the Bolivian border gate and stop your car somewhere. No one stops you. Go to the office to the left and get your stamps there. They make pics of your face and ask where you want to go to. Finish
3) Leave your car where it is and go to the pretty aduana building. Make a copy of your ID and stamp of arrival and the title of your car and go to the office. They will ask some simple questions and then ask you to bring your car to the yard of the building. They check your Vin and have a brief look inside your car. You bring your car away again and return to the office. Then they prepare the aduana paper for you. It's very important. Police will ask for it
4) go to police building and get circulation permit. No one knows what it's good for but police on the way will ask for it, too

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Normal migration EXIT of Bolivia office. Open between 7:00 am (be there 39 min earlier) and 4 pm only. Ar 7:00 am there were about 40 pers. before me. Still it took me nearly 2 hours to exit. No problems at all ( without vehicle).

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This border crossing was a total nightmare. It took us 2 ten hour days of going back and forth from Brazil to Bolivia, hundreds of dollars in bribes, and countless hours waiting and being jerked around. First migración sent us back to the Bolivian consulate in corumba because they said it’s too difficult to get a visa at the border. Then the consulate told us he ran out of stickers and won’t have more for two weeks so we had to go to a travel agent(the husband of the consulates secretary) and pay $350r per person for them to do the paperwork for us and wait until we’ll after 20:00 to get the paperwork. They also said our photos weren’t the right size and took us to a photo shop where we had to pay for new photos. Then the next day when we went to migración they didn’t want to accept my passport for some reason. And we spent 6 hours there waiting for them to figure it out. When we finally got our visas the aduana wouldn’t accept our car because we aren’t the original owners even though we had the title and registration and the legal sale paperwork from Chile. So we were sent back to the consulate again. Where we had to give another bribe for him to give us the paperwork we needed. And then had to wait again. We eventually got everything we needed after several trips back and forth, and the guy at the consulate was very helpful. But I would not try to cross this border again if it was the only one.

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Easy border crossing, just be aware that as EU citizen your stay is limited to 30 days. Afterwards you need to extend it. With two possible extensions you can stay a maximum of 90 days.

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Very easy. Hand over passports, tell them how long you plan to be in country, and get passport back! No more fees for US citizens!

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The office door was locked but someone waved us through. We came back next day morning (Monday) got our exist stamp

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On Sunday 22 Sept we came here for exit stamps. The migration office was open at 12.30, no-one else around and took less than 5 minutes. No messing around, no request for money, the guy on the desk was very friendly. Aduana was closed for lunch though- there's a delicious saltenas shop up the road to get some lunch and spend up any remaining money!

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The most ridiculous and difficult border crossing of our lives. I crossed into Bolivia two years ago and got my visa, and yes it was difficult but this was next level. To get my boyfriends visa they rejected us when we showed up at 3 pm yesterday saying there was no internet in the entire town and that we needed more pointless copies of things (a lie so they didn’t have to deal with us obviously) so we had to go back to Brazil to make these copies and spend the night because it was less sketchy and quieter. We show up at 8am the next morning fully prepared and a new woman is there requiring things that aren’t even on their general requirements checklist right in front of us. So we spent 2 hours printing and making copies and running around and when we get back that lady disappeared and now a woman who really loves her cell phone starts telling me she doesn’t care what the other woman asked but she wants a copy of our credit card. I speak fluent Spanish, there are no miscommunications here. I demanded that she stamp my passport and she asked if I was entering or exiting, like how do you not know we’ve been here for 4 hours at this point in time trying to get IN. she and all her little clic think what they’re doing to us is hilarious the whole time, mocking us, and making fun of our passport photos, just the typical 12 year old games you’d expect from really bored Bolivians. On hour 6 we finally get my boyfriends visa approved just in time for the lunch hour so we have to wait to register our cars. Don’t worry Bolivia, we won’t come back here. Ever.

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there is a sign stating that all foreigners need to pay 160 Bob to leave. however.... we didn't, and nothing happened. it felt voluntary

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When leaving Bolivia every foreigner has to pay 160 bl. in cash at a cashier in the Migración building. Bolivianos pay 18 bl.

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Exiting Bolivia: Around noon...noon on a lines. Easy to checkout. Exit stamp and photo taken. Confirmed that USA passport holders with Bolivian 10 year visa acquired after 2015 can re-enter Bolivia if the 90 days is not up yet. Even though the visa stamp doesn't say "multi-entry". No reapplication of visa required. Now off to cancel the TIP across the road! Have to have copy of your driver's passport exit stamp and copy of TIP before heading to Aduana!

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took around 20 mins - remember to bring a pen, as we got a dirty look for asking for one (but she did hand one over)

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It was so hot...the traffic was bad...i dont have intention to come back to I did not stop (nobody stops anyway ;). No stamp no worries. Brazilian were awesome and helpful, took em 10 minutes for all. Park after the building, find english speaking dude.

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RUM :Hier haben wir wieder eine Stunde warten müssen. Ansonsten lief wieder alles reibungslos.

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One of our longest border exits ever. immigration is open 8-6 true, but there were long queues when we where there (2pm Monday). Aduana across the road shuts at lunch, reopening at 2:30pm, there were queues, we needed to get photocopies and they did a full exit inspection of car. Plan for a long border crossing if our experience anything to go by.

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Open everyday from 8 am to 6 pm including Saturday and Sunday.
Very quick and easy to leave Bolivia !

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Leaving Bolivia. Took 10 mins. Took photo, checked passport & kept entry slip.

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it is on the bolivian exit side of the road. coming from brazil you can either park on the road just on front of the old lady that just took 2 reals or 3.50 bol from you and walk over or take the first left and park on the street there.

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Immigration was fast & trouble-free. Aduana across the road, not so slick!

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Car search by grumpy police officers!

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Exit stamp here. Walked to Aduna but was closed at 9 am so an official just looked at the documents on the road next to vehicle and took the original vehicle document. No fee.

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