lLuwa Reception | Tourist Attraction



7 days ago
1062.0 masl


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Here is the new reception to pay for the permit and camping for the Liuwa Plain National Park. The entry fee is per night and you have to leave the NP next day afternoon. We paid for the park as International:
40 USD ppn
15 USD vehicle
25 USD ppn camping.


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You also pay camping fees here which are now 25$ pppn for internationals, so total cost is 80$/night for 1 person. Wifi works at reception. Can pay by credit card. Friendly staff.

Deflate to +\- 1.5 bars highly recommended 😀

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This park is a mix of nature reserve and a conservation area with people living in it, growing crops, hunting, fishing etc.. And probably because of the scarcity of water this year, they are competing for water at the same water sources. So, we did see a lot of people at the waterfront fishing in the only remaining water stream, hunting for smaller animals and working on their fields with machinery, but didn't see any game during our 48 hours in the park (apart from steenbok, zebra and wildebeest). If you are coming to this park for the landscape, it's great! If you want to see some animals too and be completely in a natural environment, I wouldn't come here... (apart from the price, which is with roughly 75 USD pppn absolutely ridiculous).

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We spent three glorious days in the park and can’t recommend it highly enough. If you love the quiet beauty of the bush this is the place to be. We camped at Katoyana campsite. Lovely cs no 1. Hot water showers were bliss. We saw huge herds of wildebeest, zebra, antelope, 12 Wild dog on a kill, a pride of 12 lions on a kill. Our time was awesome. Lots of birds identified too. A must visit park. Reservations required and a good GPS. Wild camped in a forest night before entering the park. Must have 4x4

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Check in, book camping and pay park entry fees here. Very professional and friendly. Will provide park map and you can also buy cold drinks here.

Park entry fees per person per day. Pay cash or bank transfer ahead of visit.

International - $40
SADC - $20
Zambian - $12

Vehicle fees per day:
International- $15
Zambian- K30

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Pleasant welcome by Mimi and Paul . Deflate tyres to get from bridge/ferry to reception and 4x4 vehicles only

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The bridge looks nearly finished from kalabo otherwise you pay the 80kw pontoon (each way) on entry to Liuwa. It’s a deep sand drive from the pontoon so deflate tyres and into 4wd was needed. Poor tracks but GPS was spot on for location.
Park entry for international should be paid in kwatcha or dollar (2017 issued and 50 or higher notes only) no card facility.
Cold drinks at reception.

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Camping fee is now $25, pontoon 80ZK. They’re building a bridge.

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We had stopped for the night just before the reception and entered the park the next morning. The fees for international visitors are so high, that we didn't want to stay longer than 1 night. Our group was the only visitors in the huge park . The roads are very difficult.

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Here is the new reception to pay the permit and camping for the Liuwa Plain Nationalpark. The entry fee is per night and you have to leave the NP next day afternoon. We paid 100 KW for the pontoon and for the park as International:
40 USD ppn
15 USD vehicle
15 USD ppn camping

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