border kuwait irak | Customs and Immigration



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we paid 7euros taxe to exit . the officer check " carnet de passage"


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Kuwait > Iraq

First window at Kuwait side is customs for carnet stamp. Took a bit longer for us due to new software system on their side.

Second window nothing but after this window you have go inside the building on the right for passport check. They keep green permit and visa.

Then continue to final gate where passport is checked for Kuwait exit stamp.

Iraq side quite easy. At first gate they check your documents and do superficial car check. Right after the gate (before roundabout) go to window on the left side. Here they write down some info about you and your car. Go to the office behind the window for something with your passport (no fees here).

Then continue to roundabout and park on right side. Go to most left container for carnet. Then second from the right container for insurance. Then go to banking office by foot. This is somewhere in the middle of the compound, 200 meters or so away from the roundabout. Here we paid +/- $27 for carnet processing. Then back to the roundabout for 3 sets copies (most right container) (paid 5.000 IQD). Go back to most left container for gate pass and leave one set of copies there.

Then drive to passport building which is clearly visible from roundabout. Go inside and take immediate left to get your visa. Fees for visa including processing: $79, 1.000 IQD, 2.000 IQD (creditcard only, no cash!). Once you have the visa go to the other windows inside the same building for last stamp.

Get back in your car and drive towards exit. There they keep last 2 sets of copies and the gate pass and do another superficial car check.

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Kuwait --> Iraq
First checkpoint they ask for Passport, KW Visa, Statement (= green permit) and KT (= carnet). If you don't have any of these they send you back (or so they said).
Drive to the KT booth where they check your car papers and stamp carnet. In our case it took forever because they said the system didn't allow the exit of our car, nobody knew why. After 4 hours they managed to give us the gate pass and we could finally leave Kuwait (by the way, nobody checked our green permit).

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When leaving Iraq I paid 25 US dollars to stamp the CPD and 5 US dollars for the various procedures... or 30 dollars in total. I didn't have enough on me, I gave everything I had and some nice Kuwaiti people took pity on me... they made up for it. For entry into Kuwait I paid 20 euros (by card) for a visa for one month... an hour's wait but friendly and understanding customs officers on both sides...

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No fees - stamped CPD (even though no-one wanted to stamp me in on Kuwait entry.)
The Iraq side looks for Kuwait exit stamp on entry.

They ask for “Green Permit” so seems to be essential for vehicles.
(See Kuwait City Airport entry for detail on obtaining Green Permit).

5 minutes.

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Kuweït > Iraq
French Passeport

First check point you will have to show your passeport and the green permit. (The one that you have to do at the airport) Ask to the guy to tell you where to go next. It will be on the left side but it's a bit confusing so better to ask.

You will drive to the custom office where they will stamp the CPD. They will ask for the green permit too.

And after it's Passeport stamps. You stay all along in your car.

Very easy and quick. 15 minutes.
They will give you some little papers that you will need to give at the exit gate.

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Iraq > Kuwait. Very quiet on a Sunday. See my detailed description of the Iraqi side at the other border check in.

Once finished with the Iraqi side, drive towards Kuwait side where they check passport and e-visa (if you have that). Continue to arrivals hall and park in front. Go inside to proces e-visa and get entry stamp. Paid nothing besides the already paid e-visa.

Once done back to your car and drive towards the next gate where they tell you where to park the car. Go to the office on the left side where they start cdp proces. They don't stamp/sign carnet here but you get some papers.

Go back outside for superficial car check with dogs. Go to the window next to your car for cdp proces finalisation. The guy there only stamped our Iraqi slip and said that was fine. When we insisted on him doing an entire new page for Kuwait he got frustrated and stamled first, second, and third slip on a new page and that got us angry (he was a big asshole and didn't like to be told what to do). Finally he stamped first and third slip of another carnet page. Decide for yourself what you want but make sure you are fine with it and have no issues with exiting Kuwait or getting back the deposit form your automobile club at home. After that you're good to go.

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Exiting Iraq:
Paid 25k fire the carnet processing as far as I’m concerned (?).
There’s a fixer on site that does a great job, brings you to the different places for carver and customs. I used him and gave him a well deserved 5k for his service.
Much more efficient and organized than Shalamcheh.

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Hadn't planned on arriving at 6am on a Friday at Iraqi border (towards Kuwait) but so glad we did. Literally, no one else crossing at the time. Got through Iraqi side in 25 minutes. There's no way you can find the customs container on your own, but ask at passenger terminal, be insistent, and they'll send a guy to walk you there. Next, get the Carnet stamped out at white building on LHS at exit gate. Here, they will ask for exit fee. 12USD, gave 15 not expecting change but he only took 10, which was unexpected. Done.
Kuwaiti side is, as stated, straightforward. Done and dusted in 45min, all up.

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Iraq to Kuwait by motorcycle.

Paid 15.000 IQD customs fee.
Finding the different Iraqi offices to get stamps, copies, payment, etc was impossible without help. I was lucky someone of the tourism board helped me navigate. But there are also fixers present, wearing grey and blue jackets. Most Kuwaitis seem to use their services.

Entering Kuwait was easy compared.

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Take photos of the small slip you get from customs after finishing with the papers of yout car in both cases KSA and Kuwait. It allows find quickly the car in the system on the next border.
It took 25 mins including visa on arrival to cross frim KSA to Kuwait showing them photos of the car entry slip to KSA.
When entering Kuwait from Irak you are given an A4 paper also. Keep it with you when exiting and show when again entering Kuwait, it's valid as long as your carnet and saves work.
Both things - photo of slip and A4 to show - we were told by custom officer at Kuwait border.

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Iraq -> Kuwait.

At exiting Iraq first you get a few stamps from the customs in the white container right side just before the border exit gate on the stack of paper for customs you got at entering iraq. there you also get a small paper. then you need to go back to a building where kind of a supervisor sits in in a fancy room. he talked a bit in English to us and checked the car inside. then back to the containers pay 15.000 IQD or 15$ fee (idk for what but got a receipt). at last the passports get stamped at the huge building and you can leave Iraq. no fixer needed in my opinion if you bring somw patience. Took 1h total.

Kuwaiti side: much more developed and everything signposted. First you will get your entry stamp, then continue some 100m to the custom check (they did K9 and visible check at us) at this location there is also the place you get your carnet stamp an all the other documents for customs. Took quite a while but the officers processed well and clearly i just hat to sign. Kuwait side took around 2.5h

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we didn't pay any exit fee, they need carnet, passports, car paper and Visa.

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Didn’t have to pay any exit fee. Meanwhile, they couldn’t find one of our motorcycles in the system because when we entered Kuwait they made an error with the license plate. Ensure to take a picture on the gate pass when you arrive. It took 2 h only on the Kuwait side due to this. They were kind and gave us tea and chocolate while waiting!

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Exit Kuwait was drive through. I had to pay 2KD and they stamped my CDP. Exit was fast and easy

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we paid 7euros taxe to exit . the officer check " carnet de passage"

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