Fruit Control Point | Checkpoint



15 days ago
110.0 masl
Tucks' Truck


Something not right?


No fruit allowed past here (southbound only)


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I was at this place and everything is the same.

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Fruit control from north to south. Only checked for fruits.

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When you are driving from the south, you dont need to stop. The control is only for vehicules which are coming from north to south.

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Coming from the north. Stopped for fruit control. The Moquegua region is carefull with it. I showed the officer our 2 apples. I suggest to eaten them instead to hand in. Didn't inspect the van.

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SENASA, Te preguntan si traes fruta y te revisan el auto. Te quitan toda la fruta que tengas, nosotros por suerte no traíamos nada.

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Haha guy didn’t give a shiz and only popped into our van for 2 seconds before saying we were good to go. We had some fruit and veg still...

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They did not let us pass with our avocados that we only bought a few kilometers before. We told them we would eat them before passing the control as they were our only lunch because our gas bottle was empty. They were cold as ice though and took our only food not caring about our lunch.

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Very fast fruit check- just opened our boot and had a quick look. No issues.

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They asked to check inside our van. We had a lot of vegetables and fruits but they didn’t see them so it was good for us, but it’s not an easy check point (they took a plastic bag full of fruits to the people in front of our car)

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They asked if we have fruits, we said only a banana (which is true), and they let us go :)

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Passed at 5pm yesterday, and no one was there. Today at 11am, they asked about fruits and vegetables, and took what we claimed.

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They just asked if we have fruits, but they didn't check the car.

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We were allowed to pass with a few tomatos, cucumbers and bananas.

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very light fruit control. if you dont have a fruit basket on your knees you should pass easily

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very thorough check point. no fruit allowed past here (southbound only)

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