Nagar train station | Tourist Attraction



20 days ago
2347.4 masl


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Nagar train station that goes to Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Ticket office is here and there is one in town here- (11.5897662, 43.1413331) on the second floor of La Maison Medicale building. Train leaves Djibouti on odd number days, 1,3,15, 27th, etc except 31st of the month. Cheapest seat was 3200djf but they sold out so I had to buy a cabin bunk for 8200djf. Buy your ticket a couple days in advance if possible. Train leaves at 930am. It was air conditioned and I got to dire Dawa around 4pm.


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Nagar train station that goes to Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. Ticket office is here and there is one in town here- (11.5897662, 43.1413331) on the second floor of La Maison Medicale building. Train leaves Djibouti on odd number days, 1,3,15, 27th, etc except 31st of the month. Cheapest seat was 3200djf but they sold out so I had to buy a cabin bunk for 8200djf. Buy your ticket a couple days in advance if possible. Train leaves at 930am. It was air conditioned and I got to dire Dawa around 4pm.

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