Way to Maragua | Tourist Attraction



about 2 months ago
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Amazingly beautiful route to the tiny town of Maragua (check the photos). If you don't feel like doing the 3-4 days hike in the Cordillera de las Frailes, you can easily drive the route like we did. The crater of Maragua is definitely worth a visit, and the road won't disappoint or bore you for a second. It's only dirt roads, and when we drove it, it was in good condition. Don't drive here during rain season (nov - feb I believe) because we saw that some parts of the road got washed away with mud streams.


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Inca Trail, this paved anti-Hispanic path was used by the Incas to transport goods on the backs of llamas. you can do this hike of approximately 4.5 km with an elevation gain of approximately 600 m. If you go from the other side of the Inca Trail, they ask for 20 bowls per person.

chemin des incas, ce chemin antéhispanique pavé étaient empruntés par les incas pour le transport de marchandises à dos de lamas. vous pouvez faire cette randonnée d'environ 4,5 km avec un dénivelé d'environ 600 m. Si vous partez de l'autre côté du chemin des incas, ils demandent 20 bols par personne.

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We did the inca trail until Potolo in 1,5 days. The landscapes are beautiful, but the locals are not very friendly. Every time we said "Hola" they didn't answer, but they were fluent in spanish to ask for money ...
There are 2 checkpoints (written on ioverlander) where they will charge you 10 and 20 BOB.
Be careful, at the period we did the trail there was not so much water to fill our bottles. You can buy water in Maragua but it's quite more expansive, so bring enough water with you.

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Si vous avez le temps, je conseille de passer par Potolo pour aller à Maragua. La route qui va de Chaunaca à Maragua est moins panoramique. De nombreuses routes ne sont pas répertoriées sur Maps me, Google Map ou même PocketEarth. Les paysages superbes, les habitants… Nous avons pas eu l’impression d’être les bienvenus plusieurs fois. Pour visiter les sites, pas de panneaux indicateurs. Par contre quand vous trouvez enfin le site, un gamin est là pour vous faire payer! Par exemple aux traces de Dynausors près de Ninu Mayu. Comme il n’y a pas d’indications pour y arriver, on s’est dirigé au GPS et avons passé à côté d’habituations. Un homme assez agressif a voulu nous prendre nos téléphones portables croyant qu’on faisait des photos. Quand on paie 20 bols/personnes pour voir quelques traces de Dino et que cet argent est censé être destiné à la communauté locale, c ‘est pas compliqué de mettre quelques panneaux pour que les touristes empruntent un chemin qui leur convient! Ça résume le sentiment que j’ai eu durant mon séjour de 3 jours dans la cordillère de Los Frailes. Les sous des gringos sont les bienvenus, mais moins leur présence. Nous étions venu entre autre pour acheter des tissages artisanaux, tant pis pour eux.

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Fantastic road to ride!! Condition was good, even in the rainy season I hadn’t problems with my motorcycle. The part from Quila Quila to Sucre is used more often by the locals but this part towards Maragua is absolutely stunning. No problems for moto’s and 4x4, but wouldn’t do it with a big rig though..

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Great road with beautiful views. We drove to Maragua from Sucre and the road is a bit slow but take your time, the views are super nice. We then took the road through Quila Quila into Sucre, probably even more impressive with higher mountains. In the raining season it might be difficult to do this trip, we drove through many dried river beds which might be difficult to cross if they're in full swing. We did this trip in a day, left sucre before 10am, got back ~4pm. Very nice :)

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Amazingly beautiful route to the tiny town of Maragua (check the photos). If you don't feel like doing the 3-4 days hike in the Cordillera de las Frailes, you can easily drive the route like we did. The crater of Maragua is definitely worth a visit, and the road won't disappoint or bore you for a second. It's only dirt roads, and when we drove it, it was in good condition. Don't drive here during rain season (nov - feb I believe) because we saw that some parts of the road got washed away with mud streams.

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