Passport Control to Exit / Enter Russia | Customs and Immigration



9 days ago
-17.0 masl


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Passports and vehicles checked.
Reasonably quiet although not well sign posted.
Russia only at this location


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exit Russia, enter Kasachstan

6am: easy and smooth boarder crossing that took us in total 2 hours. friendly officials on both side.

We have been caught and interviewed by the Russian police the day before. During the interview they told us it is better to return to Georgia. They said a Swedish tourist has been rejected at this boarder two months ago. I do not know if this is true, we could easily pass.

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Exit Kazakhstan, enter Russia. It was the smoothest border crossing in whole Central Asia. It took us only 45 minutes to exit Kazakhstan and enter Russia. Everyone was very friendly. Directly after the border you can get insurance for your vehicle.

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Exit Russia // Enter Kazakhstan

(arrived at 11h) 1h30 for Russian side (14 cars before us) - 15 min drive through no man's land - and 30min Kazakh side - Everybody was very friendly! There was a search in the car but nothing special.

Bought insurance for our vehicle further down the road on the right side ( 15 days - 14 000 Tenge)

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1 hour in the car queue. Passport stamped and van checked very quickly and friendly.

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KG to RU. From 9.30am on Tuesday. Took us less than 1 hour to cross both side. Everybody smiling and friendly. No interview like previous Russian borders. No queue but trucks, we overpassed them and went directly frontline each time.

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Quick border crossing. I recommend arriving early, since there may be big lines of cars during the day. It took us 1 hour and a half to cross both borders. Friendly staff. They did a quick check of the van.

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We exited Russia today with our bicycles at this border. The cars were queueing and seem to be processed in bunches, but we could skip the line and they directly let us in to check our passports. They only very scarcely had a look in some of our bags, besides they were all very friendly and interested. Seems not too many people on bicycles pass this border ;-)

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Be aware that you can’t leave Russia with e-visa at this boarder. We had to return to Georgia to get a transit visa. But staff is really friendly and polite though.

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Very fast entry at 8:00 from Kasachstan to Russia. We came in with a transit visa from the Russian embassy in Bischkek. It took us only one hour. Friendly people. They were happy about our dog. Insurance after the last gate on the right site. Also SIM card.

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Departure from Russia on a Saturday (1h total) without problems. The agents were very friendly and only gave our van a very light check.

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Everything went well. But it took us 1,5h of waiting to cross the border. The car was checked carefully.

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Everything was going well. Then they decided that our passports needed closer scrutiny and they were taken away. The car was searched inside and out and we were told to sit there while they made a ‘decision’ about our passports. An hour later and we’re still sitting here amongst the rather epic flies and mosquitoes. Four hours later I had to call our embassy in Moscow to intervene. We’re still waiting ….

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Leaving Russia.
This small russian border took us about 2,5 hours. We had to wait for 2 hours in front of the first gate (about 20 cars in front of us).
Then quick car check and passport and visa check.
Again this border is very slow but not chaotic. You just need a lot of patience.

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Exit Russia. The passport control and car check itself took less than half an hour. The waiting in front of the barrier took more or less an hour with only 5 cars in front of us. Only a few cars are allowed through every time. This alternates with trucks going the same direction and with cars/trucks going the opposite direction.

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Small russian border control. Car checked for entering from Kazakhstan, paperwork fast and uncomplicated (on a transit visa). They dont give you any papers for the car. We did not get any information about obligatory car insurance, but as we understand, we need one. We did not check the small offices at the border and got our insurance in Astrakhan.

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Passports and vehicles checked.
Reasonably quiet although not well sign posted.
Russia only at this location

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